Your good genius in Spain:

Saleck Consulting and Coaching

A domicile in Spain is the dream of a lot of people. Especially Andalusia, the "land of light", the country of the old Moresque cultures and the country of mountains and coasts and its close surroundings have a strong attraction.

"To Spain we will move", this call is followed by a lot of seniors, but also younger people with family. British and German home in on the other EU-country. Either they have sold their house or private flat in the home country or they got as older employees respectively members of the army a compensation at retirement time. This money is prearranged to build up a new existence or to enjoy the eventide in silence and warmth.

Arrived in Spain, often it emerges that the environment nevertheless the EU-mebership is very different in a lot of situations and that the procedures in legal matters and administrative channels seem to be a mystery. The language is a barrier too. In South Spain only few people speak English or German. This is significant for people which offer essential services to you, too. For if is lacking the language, how should you tansfer your Central European imaginations and desires to the Mediterranian environment.

Read which problems appear thereby and my offer to you to solve your problems based on a candid concept.

In all this website offers you:

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